~Novena to Our Lady of Czestochowa~
(August 17-25)
V. God, come to my assistance,
R. Lord, make haste to help me.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
R. As it was in the beginning, and is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
First day
V. Holy Mary, Daughter of God our Heavenly Father,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Glorious Mother of the Son of God,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Most pure Spouse of the Holy Spirit,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Our Lady of Jasna Gora, gracious Help of our nation.
R. We love and honor You.
Let us pray:
Almighty and merciful God, You gave the Polish nation in the Blessed Virgin Mary a Most Admirable helper and protector, and adorned her image at Jasna Gora with the special devotion of the faithful, grant we beseech You, that we might fervently stand in defense of our faith on earth and share in the glory of Your triumph in heaven. Through Christ, our Lord.
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!
The introduction “God, come to my assistance..” and the “Let us pray…” are recited each day.
Second day
(God, come to my assistance…)
V. Our Lady of Czestochowa, honored in the image struck by the sword,
R. We love and honor You.
V. O Mary, receiving homage from the powerful and poor,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Mediatrix of graces, invoked in the shrines built in Your honor throughout the world,
R. We love and honor You.
Let us pray: (etc.)
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!
Third day
(God, come to my assistance…)
V. Mediatrix of all graces bestowed on us by God,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Queen of the world, victorious in your battle with satan.
R. We love and honor You.
V. Mother helping us to conquer every transgression and evil,
R. We love and honor You.
Let us pray: (etc.)
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!
Fourth day
(God, come to my assistance…)
V. Servant of God in the work of the world’s salvation,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Good Mother, guiding the disciples of Jesus in obediance to the Holy Spirit,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Help of Christians, bringing to the poor the Good News of Jesus,
R. We love and honor You.
Let us pray: (etc.)
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!
Fifth day
(God, come to my assistance…)
V. Great Mother of the God-Man,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Helper of all who labor in defense of human dignity,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Guardian of the Christian conscience, who helps us constantly to amend our life,
R. We love and honor you.
Let us pray: (etc.)
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!
Sixth day
(God, come to my assistance…)
V. Most favored Mother of all mankinf,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Mother of the Church, sustaining our Holy father,
R. We love and honor you.
Protectress of those who generously serve our country,
R. We love and honor You.
Let us pray: (etc.)
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!
Seventh day
(God, come to my assistance…)
V. Mother of Sorrows, interceding for us in the hour of trial and distress,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Most tender Mother of all those who are persecuted and afflicted with bondage,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Queen of Poland, our advocate in seeking freedom, justice and solidarity among men,
R. We love and honor You.
Let us pray: (etc.)
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!
Eighth day
(God, come to my assistance…)
V. Mother of Mercy, constantly waiting for each of Your children,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Mother sustaining us in the trials of our earthly pilgrimage to the Heavenly Father,
R. We love and honor You.
v. Guardian of the Son of God, embracing eith motherly care all our youth and children,
R. We love and honor you.
Let us pray: (etc.)
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!
Ninth day
V. Our Lady of Jasna Gora, surrounding with your protection all homes, shrines and parishes,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Queen of Families, standing guard over the sanctity of the family home,
R. We love and honor You.
V. Mother of God and our Mother who sustains us at each moment of our life,
R. We love and honor You.
Let us pray: (etc.)
Say one Hail Mary…
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!