About Us
The Congregation of Albertine Sisters Serving the Poor
Congregatio Sororum Albertinarum Pauperibus Inservientium (CSAPI)
or simply known as the Albertine Sisters; are Sisters of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis.
In following the foot steps of Saint Francis of Assisi, St. Brother Albert Chmielowski gave up his promising career as a painter to live among the beggars. So too, the Albertine Sisters consecrate themselves by means of following the evangelical counsels and serving the poorest and most miserable, in whom they recognize the image of the Suffering Jesus. The Sisters take public vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, lead a fraternal life, and give themselves to apostolic activity.

St. Brother Albert
(Adam Chmielowski)
Blessed Sister Bernardina
(Maria Jabłońska)
•Date and place of founding
January 15, 1891
in Krakow, Poland
•Superior General
Sister Teresa Maciuszek
ul. Woronicza 10, 31-409 Krakow