Coat of arms
The Franciscan coat of arms: crossed hands against a crucifix, supplemented by the symbol of bread. The Congregation adopted the motto “Be good like bread.” It is the expression of goodness which should distinguish every Albertine Sister. Brother Albert teaches us: “You should be good like bread, which rests on the table for everyone and from which everyone, if hungry, may cut himself a piece, and so be nourished.” The symbol of goodness of bread is for Brother Albert indispensable to the essence and the meaning of the Eucharist.

“I look at Jesus in the Eucharist; could His love conceive something even more beautiful…? He becomes bread – so let us be bread too, let us give of our very selves.”
-Saint Brother Albert
A motif of the life-giving goodness of bread is present in his life-long commitment to the service and brotherhood with the poorest. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and daily reception of Holy Communion were for him a source of living faith and strength. This attitude shaped the hearts and characters of his Brothers and Sisters.