Daily Life

Sisters in adoration the Chapel
Sisters in adoration the chapel at the Mother House in Krakow

For new candidates, the daily schedule will differ in order that they may adapt themselves to their new way of life.

5:00 am-Rise
5:20 am-Morning Prayer*
7:30 am-Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
9:00 am-Work
12:45 pm-Lunch and Recreation
1:45 pm-Prayers and Office of the Readings 
2:15 pm-Free time 
3:00 pm-Divine Mercy Chaplet 
4:00 pm-Evening Prayer
-Spiritual Reading
4:55 pm-Holy Rosary & Litany to Our Lady of Loreto
6:15 pm-Supper
7:30 pm-Night Prayers 
9:00 pm-Retire to cell/room & Grand Silence 

*All prayers are done in community.