
“Remember that Our Lady of Czestochowa is your Foundress.”
(Last words of Saint Brother Albert)
The spirituality of the Congregation is based on the basis on the Gospel interpreted in the spirit of St. Brother Albert, and of sound traditions passed down from previous generations of Sisters. Loyal to the will of the Founding Father, the Albertine Sisters strive to foster the ideals of St. Francis of Assisi and follow the guidelines of St. John of the Cross. The Albertine Sisters are Franciscan and Carmelite – they work as Franciscans and possess the spirituality of Carmelites. They nurture a special devotion and childlike affection for the Mother of God, seeking her aid and imitating her virtues.

“Love consists not in feeling great things
but in having great detachment and in suffering for the Beloved.”
-St. John of the Cross
The Albertine Sister is called to serve the most needy of her neighbors, and this in an ever more sacrificial way, the more the image of Divine filiation seems to be disfigured or completely effaced, according to BrotherAlbert’s words: The more one is abandoned, the greater the love with which we must serve that person, since it is the wounded Lord Jesus Himself whom we rescue in the person of the poor.

Christ manifests this attitude of sacrificial love most fully in the Eucharist: Since He becomes Bread – so the Father of the Poor teaches – so let us be bread. […] Let us give of our very selves. The Albertine Sister should therefore be marked by the type of goodness of which bread is the model.
“We should be good like bread, which is set on the table for all, so that each, when he is hungry, may cut off a piece for himself, and so be nourished.”
-Saint Brother Albert
The Sisters likewise seek to become like Christ, Who became poor for our sake. The Albertine Sisters do not have personal possessions, and their simple way of living and working draws them close to those whom they serve. In accord with their charism, they combine the fulfillment of their mission with a deep and genuine life of prayer.